Japan Rail Times
Rail Way
to Travel

Articles written by Wanping Aw:

Step into the world of the Ninja with the TokudAw Ninja Experience!

Step into the world of the Ninja with the TokudAw Ninja Experience!

The best 360º samurai and ninja experience with TokudAw Inc.

The best 360º samurai and ninja experience with TokudAw Inc.

S is for Shizuoka: Savouring strawberries and seafood around Suruga Bay

S is for Shizuoka: Savouring strawberries and seafood around Suruga Bay

Winter highlights from TokudAw Inc.’s rice planting charity tour at Tomi City

Winter highlights from TokudAw Inc.’s rice planting charity tour at Tomi City

Do-riving in Central and Eastern Hokkaido: Highlights from a self-drive itinerary

Do-riving in Central and Eastern Hokkaido: Highlights from a self-drive itinerary

Romancing Kanagawa: 3 Memorable dating spots in the south of Tokyo

Romancing Kanagawa: 3 Memorable dating spots in the south of Tokyo
